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December Activities- and Happy Holidays!

This month has been incredibly busy for the Raploch Street Design team. Here are all the activities we have delivered this frosty December.

Big Noise session

On 4th December we joined a Big Noise session to talk with young people and learn more about their views on walking and cycling.

During the session, participants discussed the benefits of cycling and walking and what stops them from doing so. They all agreed that cycling is a good physical activity that improves health, and mentioned other benefits, such as: ‘faster than walking’, ‘can save bus money’ and ‘it keeps me warm’.

The group also indicated that they didn’t see Raploch as cycle-friendly, especially for younger or inexperienced cyclists. They raised that safety is a concern not only for them but also their parents. Some participants also mentioned they had no access to a bike, lacked skills or confidence to cycle and that the school was too far away for them to cycle to.

Finally, participants discussed how they would remove some of the barriers identified.

They raised the need for cycling training, safe and free bike storages across Stirling as well as a network of cycling lanes that connects places across the town. They would also like to see cycling as a social activity.

We really enjoyed gathering feedback and ideas from young people, which will help plan future activities in Raploch to encourage cycling and walking.

Walking audit and Design Workshop

On 10th December we held another walking audit, this time with Castleview Primary School and Forthbank Care Home. Although it was a very cold day (below zero degrees), we were joined by 24 participants. The main issue they raised during the audit was accessibility for people with walking difficulties, on wheelchairs and mobility scooters. Both groups reported they avoided using the junction of Raploch Road and Drip Road and used alternative routes and crossings. They didn't find the junction safe, which is a barrier to access different routes. One of the teachers said: ‘If it were easy to cross to the other side of Raploch Road we would explore new walking routes’. Pavement quality and lack of drop kerbs along the Raploch Road were also raised as an issue.

Following the walking audit, we visited Forthbank Care Home to run a design workshop and discuss solutions that would make it easier for staff, residents and their relatives to travel through the area by foot or by wheelchair. Safer crossing options, seating and artwork were some of the aspects discussed in the workshop.

Thank you to Castleview Primary School and Forthbank Care Home for joining us. We collected very valuable feedback which will help us ensure our proposals meet the needs of everyone whatever their age or mobility.

Christmas Fayre

The 7th December we had a stall at the Raploch Christmas Fayre in the Community Campus. We gave out our branded Christmas cards and chatted to people about the Raploch Street Design project. It was great to see so many people fundraising and going that extra mile to make sure the young people of Raploch have a great start in life.

New Signs

You might have noticed that we have added new signs and updated existing ones in the project area. Many people raised wayfinding as an issue in the Raploch and noted that local routes should be better promoted. Maintenance was also identified as an issue, with some incorrect signs and abandoned poles in the area.

We have selected two abandoned poles and have given them a use by adding signs indicating locally loved routes, the Old Railway Path and the Green Gate Path linking to the river side path. We have also updated two signs; one at the junction of Raploch Road and Drip Road, with directions to Stirling city centre, and another one with directions to Castle Business Park, which we have relocated so it is not hidden behind a bus stop any more. Please let us know what you think about these signs by emailing Irene at Irene.tortajada@sustrans.org.uk

Thank you to everyone who has been engaging with us since our launch in September. Raploch Street Design team wishes you all happy holidays and a wonderful start to the New Year!

Posted on 21st December 2018

by Irene Tortajada