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News on Raploch Street Design

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What has the Raploch community told us so far?

The Raploch Street Design team is making progress analysing all the comments you shared with us online and in our public sessions. In total we gathered about 300 comments from all sources, so it’s not a small task! Thank you very much to everyone who shared their views.

We have categorised comments according to their content, and have come up with a list of themes.


Here’s a list of comment themes, from the most recurrent (highest number of comments per topic) to the least (lowest number of comments).

Cars/ Traffic There were many concerns about high speeds, difficulty crossing Raploch Road and Drip Road and unsafe junctions. Many asked us to look at slowing vehicles down as they turn into Huntly Cres. Some raised issues about cars being parked on the pavements.

Wayfinding and Maintenance Many felt there is poor signage and wayfinding, as well as abandoned poles and dog litter. There were also issues raised about litter on the riverside paths and the neglected entrance to the foot path. A few asked for general improvement in visibility and lighting, especially on side roads.

Railings There were mixed views, but general support to remove some of the railings if traffic is slowed down. Railings are seen by some as useful ways of keeping children and dogs safe, others see the railings as being the reason drivers feel they can drive fast along Raploch Road.

Cycling There were a few requests of cycle parking and maintenance of existing cycle paths. The Junction of Raploch Rd and Drip Rd was considered dangerous to cross for cyclists and pedestrians.

Green Space and Play Trees on Raploch Road are very popular, but need to be maintained to allow people to walk along and in between them. There was a general interest in more colour, perhaps flowers, but they need to be sustainable or looked after. Accessible play areas were also suggested.

Street furniture Benches at bus stops and in the trees section were generally seen as a good idea, as well as more litter bins. A few requested a better use of the space at the corner of Raploch Road with Huntly Cres.

Artwork Many asked for the street to be more colourful, and a gateway to the neighbourhood was suggested, perhaps co-designed by the community.

Pavements There were several comments saying the pavements are neglected, uneven and difficult to walk or use a wheelchair on. There are also puddles and drainage issues at the junction of Huntly Cres and Raploch Road.


The theme with the highest number of comments by far was vehicle speed and volume, and prioritising people movement. Another recurring theme was accessibility, and how it is often difficult to cross the road or access footpaths and green spaces, or even walk on the pavements. Adding colour to the street was also a prominent idea.

What’s Coming Up?

Raploch Street Design’s next big public session will be the 22nd of November in St Mark’s Stirling. We will be running a series of design workshops on the day, when together we will develop design ideas based on the comments gathered so far. Everyone is welcome, and we will be offering snacks and dinner. More details to come soon- if you'd like to stay informed, please subscribe to project news on the top right of this page.

Posted on 19th October 2018

by Irene Tortajada